It fires, it scans wether it hits or not (based on it's accuracy which basically creates a cone of fire/probability). No flying projectile like with a plasma gun, rocket launcher, imp/cacodemon/baron fire/plasmaball. Technically, a hitscan enemy to me is an enemy - or a weapon that the enemy wields - which at the very moment it is fired calculated wether it hits or not. Would the laser zombie be considered as a hit scan enemie? As long as they include at least one of our most beloved hitscanning bosses :) (please do it, please do it.) Maybe if the first "watch 40 minutes of Doom) drops, the first levels will be the very same and feature many hitscanners.

But we don't know how often we will encounter them, because to be honest, we have seen very little single player gameplay. So let's say they manage to include at least two hitscanners (laser dude, shotgun guy), we already nearly have parity with the original Doom. We don't know anything about some missing enemies like the Archvile which we haven't seen yet. With Doom 2016, there are at least two hitscanners, maybe more with different weapons (again, bosses excluded). But since we encountered the weaker humans so often, it felt like we are fighting quite a bunch of hitscanners. In both games, the majority of different(!) enemies where non-hitscan enemies. In Doom 2, we got another one with the heavy weapon guy, and I am not sure where the archvile is grouped in (allthough it doesn't "scan", but hit or does not hit due to line of sight). I felt like we are fighting many hitscan enemies because especially for the first two episodes, they were very present. In Doom 1 - bosses excluded - we had two hitscan enemies.
#Doom 2016 enemies full#
Also, I believe If i'm not mistaken, some Revenants come with ChaingunsĪs we don't know the full enemy roster yet, I think we can't talk about the lack of hitscan enemies. There are hitscanners though, Shotgun Dudes and Laser Weapon dudes. Maybe they'll be enemies down the line that will have some bullet based weaponry.

Why is this missing? Maybe it could be to give the player the special characteristic to literally dodge every single attack in the singleplayer campaign (possible chances for zero damage runs), or just they forgot about them. There ARE zombies with guns, but they're not exactly hitscan based, like the laser rifle zombie, that shoots dodgeable laser shots, and the laserbeam zombie, that shoots a continuous beam of energy. Whether it be the Zombieguy, the Shotgunguy, or even the Spidermastermind! No bullet enemies so far in DOOM 4! Now why is that? From all Doom games prior to this, there's been some sort of enemy that shot a bullet sort of weapon. In simple terms, there's no enemy that shoots bullets. I've noticed something about all the enemies that i've seen so far, and interesting, none of them have a hitscan-sort of attack.