While the paint is a bit more expensive than latex, it also goes much farther. You can also find charts to mix and match the paints so they complement each other and the rest of your decor. Most of the popular brands of chalk paint have a great selection which is already chosen to look wonderful on any piece of furniture. There are also many different color choices when it comes to chalk paint. The Benefits Of Painting With Chalk Paint The good thing about distressing furniture is that it is not supposed to be perfect. There is no need to worry about drips, smudges, etc. The look of chalk paint is supposed to be distressed, so if you make a mistake, just go over it quickly with a hand sander or piece of sandpaper and then touch it up. Using chalk paint allows you to make mistakes and get away with them. You may want to do a bit by hand if you are trying to create a distressed look, but other than that, you will not need to sand anything. Chalk paint does not require all this sanding. While sanding, especially if you are using an electric sander, you can create a lot of dust and end up with a thick layer all over your garage or porch. When you work with latex paint, most of the time it requires quite a bit of sanding to get the furniture prepared. This can be important if you are attempting to redo a piece of furniture in your garage or on your porch. First, chalk paint requires little to no sanding of the furniture. There are several reasons to use chalk paint, especially if you are redoing an old piece of furniture. You can redo furniture or a wall to complement whatever color theme you have. Chalk paint is available in many different colors, so you do not have to go with simple black or white. Some artistic types just love chalk paint, especially to refurbish old furniture.

You can even make it yourself, although some of the ingredients may be difficult to find, depending on where you live. There is the Chalk Paint Home Depot or other improvement stores sell. It is also not difficult to find the paint. Painting with chalk paint is not very complicated and you can find methods and ideas if you do an online search. Chalk painting is pretty popular, especially among those crafty and artistic enough to redo furniture and paint their walls themselves.