It freezes because this is when we’re properly introduced to the Double. It doesn’t freeze in a supernatural way like Life is Strange. He was an over-cautious driver, and a car crash doesn’t fit. See, it turns out that Joan harbors suspicions about her father’s death. After a brief discussion about Sam’s reasons for leaving town and not staying in touch, the conversation turns to the real reason Joan pulled him aside. Joan wants to talk, and the two retire to Sam’s car for a chat. Sam’s arrival at the dark, moody, neon-lit car park is noted by Joan, the 13-year-old daughter of his deceased friend, who also happens to be his god-daughter. Still, Sam can at least make the wake at a local bar, the parking lot of which is the second playable bit I saw. Unfortunately for Sam, being lost in his own thoughts means that so much time has passed he actually missed the funeral. Scraping the moss off a tree trunk reveals an S&A heart carved into the wood by Sam and Anna, and finding this opens up a short text story in Sam’s journal explaining how this happened. More details on characters and events can be uncovered via collectibles. This, and the subsequent break-up, was at least one of the things that resulted in his leaving Basswood, but there are pretty hefty implications that a lot more happened than just that. In this instance, the promontory spyglass is where he proposed to his girlfriend, Anna - and she turned him down. This is both where Sam can relive past memories (giving the player insight into past events and Sam’s state) and also reconstruct and investigate more recent events based on clues and logical deductions. On approaching the promontory’s spyglass, Sam enters the Mind Palace in a visually striking scene: the world cracks and fades away, and reassembles itself into a crystalline world like something out of a fantasy platformer. It also introduces the Mind Palace, which is Sam’s mental world in Twin Mirror. Naturally, there are also plenty of incidental details you can glean by examining things more closely. Wandering around this environment brings a continual stream of internal monologues from Sam as he comments on anything and everything you walk past.

The sweeping views overlooking Basswood over some insight into the town, but also into Sam’s past. The first was before the funeral, as Sam arrives in town: he visits a promontory he used to hang out at in the past. The demo I saw was comprised of two consecutive sections from the start of the game. All implications are that the town’s residents aren’t going to be too happy to see him, either. Not the happiest reunion, and he really doesn’t want to be back there. Sam left Basswood years prior after largely undisclosed events, and now he’s back for the funeral of his best friend, Nick. And yet still buoyed up by Dontnod’s cinematic feel: this opening sequence plays along to Sean Rowe’s You Keep Coming Alive, so I figure we’re going to get a fair bit of indie folk and alt music in here too. It’s all muted colours with browns and greys not foreboding, exactly, but listless and lifeless. But when Sam drives through it in the opening scenes of Twin Mirror you see winding and bumpy roads, houses with FOR SALE signs prominently displayed, and basically no people. The fictional town of Basswood, West Virginia, was built around a mining boom. Setting-wise, we’re looking at the rotting corpse of small-town Americana. Dark as they got, they mostly had bright colours at the forefront. He’s unhappy and disheveled, and he’s also an adult, which is a far cry from the coming-of-age stories and indie chic of the Life is Strange games. Sam is a former investigative journalist who I’d guess to be in his early 30s. Twin Mirror is a bit of a shift from Life is Strange in a few ways, though, most notably in its protagonist. And in a 20-minute hands-off video, I’ve seen a little bit of that. No Vampyr-esque combat or RPG shenanigans here: just exploring locations, making tough decisions, and seeing how the story unfolds. Nonetheless, this is Dontnod sticking with the tried-and-tested Storytelling With Choices format that worked beautifully in Life is Strange. In those intervening years it’s morphed into a single, non-episodic title, and appears to have been pretty heavily reworked.
#Twin mirror him Pc#
It’s been in the works at Dontnod since 2016, was announced as an episodic game in 2018, and then it finally put out a teaser trailer at the PC Gaming Show this year. The history of Twin Mirror is as twisting as that of its protagonist, Sam Higgs.